
Matches 201 to 250 of 451

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 #  Source ID   Title, Author 
201 S173 Gale Jenkins personal correspondence
202 S314 General Alumni Catalogue of the University of Pennsylvania, 1922
203 S80 Gluskin 1930 Census
204 S81 Gluskin Family Immigration Laconia Ship's Manifest
205 S389 Gravestone
206 S162 Hamilton county, OH marriage license search
207 S101 Hannah Lerner Memory
208 S154 Hannah Lerner Personal Communication
209 S390 Harold Rhode
210 S391 Harriet Shirley Sigel Faberman Kimel
211 S172 Harris family 1880 census
212 S170 Harris Family 1900 census
213 S68 Harris family 1910 census
214 S69 Harris Family 1920 census
215 S70 Harris family 1930 census
216 S188 Heather Borack Levy - papers and personal info
217 S301 Henry Grabosky 1930 census
218 S294 Henry Grabosky WWI draft card
219 S296 Henry Grabosky WWII draft card
220 S202 Henry Schoenberger 1910 census
221 S203 Henry Schoenberger 1920 census
222 S204 Henry Schoenberger 1930 census
223 S196 Henry Schoenberger WWI draft card
224 S211 Horab family 1920 census
225 S126 Horab family 1930 census
226 S117 Hungary: All Citizen Census, 1869
227 S114 Hungary: Marriage Records from Various Counties, 1800-1914
228 S383 husband Avraham remarries ca. 1882
229 S295 Hyman Grabosky WWI draft card
230 S297 Hyman Grabosky WWII draft card
231 S24 If this is right, then this must be Masche
232 S276 Ignatz Pollack 1870 census
233 S277 Ignatz Pollack 1880 census
234 S278 Ignatz Pollack 1900 census
235 S361 Ira Dember Personal Communications
236 S292 Isaac Grabosky WWI Draft Card
237 S136 Isaac Levy 1880 census
238 S137 Isaac Levy 1900 census
239 S105 Isaac Levy 1910 census
240 S107 Isaac levy 1920 census
241 S79 Itzko Gluskin immigration records
242 S181 Jack Blake WWI draft card
243 S289 Jacob Grabosky 1900 census
244 S290 Jacob Grabosky 1920 census
245 S300 Jacob Grabosky 1930 census
246 S299 Jacob Grabosky WWI draft card
247 S63 Jacob Lieberman Ships Manifest Herder
248 S74 Jacob Zuckerman WWI Draft card
249 S77 Jay Zuckerman oral communications from memory
250 S436 Jean MacDonald Personal Correspondance

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